We’re proud of our direct booking rate of 95.5% (2024) but we also have you covered with the chance to list on the major industry platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO, and more.

We also include listings on a range of carefully selected and relevant industry platforms such as Google Vacation Rentals, Simply Sea Views, Love Cottages and Dog Friendly Retreats.


More reach. Higher ratings. A carefully curated demographic of guests likely to book your property. As Airbnb Superhosts we give you so much more.

With high standards of customer service and satisfaction we’re proud of our Superhost status. If you currently use Airbnb to market your property yourself, we can take over your listing with our direct connection and bring the firepower of our tailored, targeted marketing resources and campaigns to drive bookings for your property.

Find out why you should be marketing your property with us on Airbnb.


Our advertising reach extends far and wide. From key memberships with the likes of Visit Cornwall, Visit Newquay, Muddy Stilettos and the Good Dog Guide, we ensure we cover all bases.

We’re proud to be a key partner of Coast magazine, working closely with the team on editorial opportunities, advertising, competitions and providing self-catering expertise for industry articles.

You’ll find our adverts across a whole host of publications with a relevant target audience from Drift Retreats, Drift London, Food Lifestyle, Salt and The Simple Things.

We also have a strong media and influencer presence with the help of our expert PR agency.